Black and White Oreos

Black and White!
In December 2023, Nabisco first revealed the black and white Oreos. No grey area here! Maybe I am overly free-associating but for me, black and white conveys classy old movies, Transatlantic accents, noir detectives, and incredible style! Did Nabisco evoke such grandeur? Let's find out together! We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS!

B- OK, so the idea was *almost* there for this. As a first impression, it sounds cool and the cookies themselves look classy as hell. But unfortunately, the execution wasn't all there to earn any points from me here. They could've taken the flavor and name a step (or two or three) further.

V- The black and white Oreos are simple. We have vanilla cookie sandwiches with a swirl of white and chocolate creme on the inside. For full creativity points, Nabisco would need to incorporate the black-and-white concept into a grand theme! Maybe each package could have had fun facts about zebras (Nabisco should totally hire me as a creative consultant). I've seen some aggressively creative Oreos in my years, and I know they can do better!

V- The execution works for me! Each cookie has two vanilla cookies, a swirl of vanilla creme, and a swirl of chocolate creme. Nabisco has historically always been good about using real cocoa in their chocolate creme, and it shows! The only controversy is that the chocolate flavor totally overpowers the classic white creme. The chocolate is the star! The vanilla MIGHT get nominated for a supporting actor award. 

B- These just tasted like dark chocolate to me (not my favorite). I really do think it has to do with the extra cocoa powder they had to add to get that nice color contrast in the filling. It made the cookies pretty but it also made the chocolate flavor too overwhelming. 

Does it Sparkle?
V- I am beginning to think that Nabisco executives need to tune into my blog, or they would take my constructive criticism! I just don't understand the garish yellow-brown packaging they use for so many of their limited editions. The cookie looks great though! I love how the chocolate and vanilla creme are in an overlapping swirl pattern! It makes for a real visually interesting aesthetic. 

B- I agree with V. The box packaging was a bit lackluster. I would've loved to see them lean into the black and white theme with a black-tie or gala-type appeal. Think tuxedos! Or the Great Gatsby! Something! I wanted more glamor. These came out right around New Year and that really could've been an inspiration. 

B- So I was not a fan of these on their own but with peanut butter... game. changer. It was just the balance that was needed for this flavor profile. More food for thought: Stick a pretzel on top of the peanut butter and you've got yourself your own Oreo Take 5! (FYI I am also willing to accept any candy endorsements if you are out there lol)

V- Pair with a black and tan cocktail for ultimate classy multicolored vibes!

Buy Again
V- I would not. My Oreo budget is all in for the Mario or Pokémon Oreos. There are special edition cookies in those packs that sell for thousands of dollars!

B- Thank U, next. 

V- Nabisco could have gone further with the concept and design, but they are still a good cookie!

B- Preach, V. Also - look very closely at the photos for a flavor sneak peak of our next installment!

Does it Sparkle?
Buy Again

Don't Forget...
Want more Oreos? Follow us on Instagram at werateoreosbv


  1. I tried the Space Dunk Oreos - they have pop rocks in them. Would love to see a review of them!

    1. Hello! The Space Dunk Oreo review is coming soon!


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