Coca-Cola Oreos
In September 2024, Coca-Cola Oreos hit the shelves! The secret formula for this iconic drink is locked deep in a vault in Atlanta. Could Nabisco even hope to recreate this classic without it? Let's find out together. We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS!


V- All the points! I've used Coca-Cola in baking to enrich my cocoa powder, but I've never thought to attempt to make a dessert actually taste like pop. It's truly a novel idea.

B- Creative, for sure, but these are...weird. The package honestly smells like soda pop when you open it, like if it had exploded and dried out in the car. 


V- The execution is rough! The top red cookie tastes like Coca-Cola, then you have regular creme with pop rocks, and the bottom cookie is chocolate. I loved the Coca-Cola cookie and I always appreciate Oreos with pop rocks in the creme. Then, the chocolate cookie pops in and messes with the whole flavor! It adds this weird heaviness to everything and makes the red cookie taste bitter. Some of my students liked it though.

B- They do resemble a cola taste which I don't really love as anything besides a drink I have learned. What's refreshing about the drink is the coldness, the wetness, the hydration. Without that, the flavor is kind of gross. I've only ever seen a cola food attempted in candy form. It needs that smoothness for it to work. It was interesting Nabisco added popping candy in these too - like a simulated carbonation - so many mouth sensations at once!


Does it Sparkle?

B- Love the colors. Black + red is always a sleek and sexy combination. I did not like how artificial the red tasted eating it though.

V- Yes. Coca-Cola Oreos are effortlessly cool. I would totally give one to a polar bear or a slightly creepy vintage Santa and it would fit the vibe. The bright red cookie atop the whole getup is so fun, and the designs bring joy! My favorite design is the two Coke bottles toasting. The cookies also honor both the classic and modern script. Coca-Cola Oreos are like a highly stylized cake with fondant instead of icing. They may not taste great, but they are visually FABULOUS! 


V- There is actually an Oreo-flavored Coca-Cola that came out alongside these. I found the drink to be equally distasteful! Take off the chocolate cookies and enjoy them with a Jack and Coke. 

B- I'm not sure what to pair these with... and I didn't want to eat any more of them to try and find out!

Buy Again

B- That is an easy nope. 

V- No. I will not give the world a Coca-Cola Oreo.


V- Just not my thing! It's beautifully made, but the flavors just didn't mesh.

B- Just because you can doesn't mean you should.



Does it Sparkle?


Buy Again



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