Star Wars Oreos

In A Galaxy Far Far Away...
on the tenth of June, two Oreo types were released. Red and blue. The red Oreos embody the dark side of The Force. They feature villainous characters and dark creatures who wish to use The Force to gain unbridled power. The blue Oreos are humanity's only hope. They depict beloved characters of power, goodness, and light. What side are you on? Prepare your lightsabers, because we are B and V and WE RATE OREOS!


V- The Star Wars Oreos are creatively taking my money! There is a red pack (with Star Wars villains) and a blue pack (with Star Wars heroes). You don't know which pack you get until you open it, so you may have to work a bit to unlock everything. The red and blue creme are just classic Oreo flavors. Full creativity points for the execution though. I had a hard time finding the blue pack. Perhaps the universe is trying to tempt me to choose the dark side! 

B- I definitely purchased two packs in order to see both colors. (Luckily I only had to buy two in this endeavor). But it is not a ruse - there is a red and a blue! Also the cream contains crystals which adds to that electric concept of the lightsabers.


V- The execution was spot-on! The concept was so cool; it was not even necessary to give the creme any unique flavors. Just get into your collector mode and enjoy hunting for your favorite pack! The white circles in the middle of the creme confused us greatly and sparked lengthy speculations. Some Redditors said that when you stack the creme, you get the glowing white core of a lightsaber with a red or blue surrounding light. What do you guys think?

B-  New posited theory: the white center is a symbol of the force being at the center/inside.

Does it Sparkle? 

V- As always, the cookie art looks awesome. The Darth Maul one was my favorite. I remember being afraid of him on all the promo posters in the 90s. This cookie art had the same effect! He looks ready to obliterate you (even though you are about to obliterate him). The art has characters expressing emotions and everything. It's incredible and I don't know how Nabisco does it. 

B- I agree with V. There's something about the red and black cookies that looks so aesthetic and cool. Oddly I found the blue ones to taste better though. Feel free to unpack that lol. 


B- Two words: movie marathon. As far as drink - Bantha milk!

V- There is a whole line of Star Wars-themed wine, Skywalker Vineyards, that you might be into! If you're not trying to be so extra, go with a milk stout. It pairs beautifully with the classic Oreo creme. Not into alcohol? Coffee, black tea, or milk always go well with regular Oreos.

Buy Again? 

V- I did buy these a few times haha. I have moved on though!

B- Nope. Well unless you need to see both then I get it. 


B- These didn't do anything for me personally. If you are into the comics then maybe you will appreciate them more. 

V- This is so fun! Putting Star Wars on a cookie makes it all just so fun and nostalgic.



Does it Sparkle?


Buy Again



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