Cotton Candy Oreos

Cotton Candy
Nabisco once again surprised us with a summer flavor nobody was expecting! Cotton Candy Oreos hit the shelves in June 2023. Cotton candy was invented in 1897 by a dentist! He probably wanted to keep the dental industry busy for years to come? Like Oreos, cotton candy has stayed popular for over a centennial. It's about time we saw this fusion! We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS!

V- All the creativity points! I am especially impressed with the incorporation of both blue and pink cotton candy in the creme. Thank goodness they went with the vanilla cookies (chocolate would have been a disaster)! It adds a new element to a timeless treat. This is my first cotton candy cookie, so kudos to Nabisco for the innovation.

B- I agree with full points here. I have never seen cotton candy attempted as a cookie or even anything that didn't have it in a sugar crystal or candy-like form.  

B- It tastes like a carnival in your mouth. It's a surprising flavor and even more surprising that it literally tastes like what it says it is. 

V- They deliver that cotton candy taste! It's sickly sweet, a little tart, and slightly synthetic. Regarding taste, I detected more pink than blue. And I loved it! I find cotton candy in its original form deeply unsettling. But as a cookie, it slays! 

Does it Sparkle?
V- I am constantly amazed at how multicolored Oreos don't all just run together. Once again, the contrasts are CRISP! The pink and blue look lovely with the vanilla cookies. The whole aesthetic is dainty and bright, just like real cotton candy. Real talk though: why is so much of the limited edition Oreo packaging bright yellow these days? It is not the right backdrop for these lighter cookies. They need to cut that out.

B- They are so pretty with the pink and blue... if you need baby shower Oreos, these fit the bill!

B- Oh gosh, I don't know. I have seen some interesting champagne-based cocktails so maybe something bubbly? I can pair it with a movie: The new "Barbie" 2023.

V- Dedicated readers know I tend to recommend contrasts over compliments when it comes to Oreos and alcohol. This time, I suggest pairing them with a dark beer or an IPA. Something about a light dessert with hoppy alcohol just hits right in the summer. I also paired these with a whole grill setup. They go great as a novelty treat with burgers, hot dogs, corn, or your BBQ favorites! 

Buy Again
V- I actually might! I bought them for my friends for a summer grill-out. They kept claiming they were just okay, but we also kept eating them?

B- I was impressed with these. I ate the entire package in like 3 days. I oddly never liked the cotton candy floss i.e., the original fluffy spun stuff but I liked these cookies a lot.

B- YES, Oreo. More of this stuff. 

V- Cotton Candy Oreos are a funky summer hit!


Does it Sparkle?
Buy Again

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