Apple Cider Donut Oreos

"Another Day, Another Donut!"
Fall is here! Hello crinkly leaves, pumpkin spice, corn maze anxiety, and, just introduced this past July, Apple Cider Donut Oreos! The Donut Cooperation of America (yes, that's a thing) first promoted the apple cider donut in 1951, and they've heralded fall ever since! Nabisco has done at least four donut Oreos at this point, and the expectations are HIGH. We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS! 

V - Mad creative! Every autumn, I "fall" hard for all things pumpkin spice and sometimes need reminding that the season encompasses a myriad of flavors and sensations. Apple cider donuts bring back a clear memory of a really nice day at the apple orchard with my family. Nabisco's working with such a specific fall flavor feels unique and personal in the best way possible. 

B - I'll give it points here. I am just glad to see something other than pumpkin!

B - Not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed overall with these. I think because I was so hyped for them, I was that much more sad about them when they didn't meet my expectations. The Oreos did not remind me of an apple cider donut...what it did remind me of was apple cinnamon Quaker oatmeal... like, it's seriously a dead ringer for those breakfast packets (albeit crunchier). Probably something about the artificial apple? 

V - The execution is funky. The creme is softer and messier than the norm and its distribution is slightly different for each Oreo. Because the creme is ultra-sweet, each cookie has its own flavor profile, for better or worse! I had about four cookies that had just the right balance of apple and cinnamon though and it made it all worth it! I am used to Oreos being militant in their cookie to creme ratio, but I don't hate the homemade vibe.

Does it Sparkle?
V - It's not offensive. The cookies and creme are all the same beige color. I think Nabisco could have done some artificial-chemical magic (we don't claim to be a health blog) to give the cookies a deeper, reddish hue. Fall is the season of colors, after all! 

B - It was ok but didn't dazzle. Even the packaging was just sort of blah. But in a burgundy-mustard-hued blah. Could've done something cool with the cover art at least. Maybe a fall collage?  A pile of leaves? Something to capture all the excitement of an orchard.

V - Apple cider donut Oreos are sweet, so they work well with a "hoppy" beer. I recommend a seasonal pumpkin beer because fall flavors all just kind of work together. Black tea or a bougie fall something from your favorite local coffee shop will also pair beautifully. 

B - We also talked about pairing it with hot mulled wine. I love the aesthetic of it. Like the kind served in mugs with the little cinnamon sticks. 

Buy Again?
V - Maple Oreos are still my favorite autumnal releases so far, so I do not think I would buy them again. They are good though! 

B - No; I will just eat my oatmeal and feel like it was a better choice. 

The Ratings!




Buy Again?


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  1. Such a bummer to see this cookie fall flat. It could have been great!
    @B I was also very disappointed in the packaging. You’d think all that nabisco money could pay a decent designer to do something more exciting for a release like this.

    1. Hey, Jess! Thank you for your comment :) They are fun to try for the novelty, but the Maple Oreos set the bar high for me!

    2. LOL - *fall* flat - I see what you did there... And as for happier packaging news... Stay tuned for our next installment!


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