Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos

Marshmallow Madness
Much like the modern Oreo scene, marshmallows come in variety. You may have seen strawberry or mint marshmallows at your local grocery store, but have you ever compared up them against the classic? Dessert innovators have even posted recipes for grapefruit, bubble gum, and sriracha marshmallows. In January 2020, Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos were released in celebration of marshmallow creativity! I wonder if there are Oreo-flavored marshmallows out there... We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS! 

Flavor Creativity
V- Full points! I appreciate the flavored marshmallow angle. The chocolate aspect takes the Oreo from being a "fluff piece" into something genuinely intriguing! 

B- Also awarding full creativity points here. I've seen burnt marshmallow, toasted marshmallow, and s'mores before, but this is new. But not like too new in such a way where the flavor is *too* out there.

Flavor Execution
B- Pretty accurate to the flavor description. If I had to describe it another way: it tastes like those stale, miniature colorful marshmallows you get when you leave the Lucky Charms box open too many days in a row. But then with the aftertaste of chocolate milk. 

V- They taste and feel like a chocolaty marshmallow. Nabisco got the marshmallow creme just right. It even clings to the roof of your mouth! It's as sticky and mildly traumatic to eat as the real deal. The chocolate aspect was well-done. They splurged on the good stuff for us there! The marshmallow bits in the chocolate cookies were a nice thought, but added an awkward chewy texture to everything. Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos have some definite strengths in their flavors and textures, and just a few aspects that could be tweaked.   

Does it Sparkle? 
V- No. The white flecks in the chocolate cookies look like bird poo. If the bits were more defined and evenly dispersed, it would be a different story. Luckily, the taste does not match the aesthetic! 

B- Lovely visual there, V. Lol. But, yeah, these are not very pretty. I see what they were trying to do with the white flecks, but aesthetically I didn't like it either. It looks like somebody sprinkled Styrofoam rubbings into the cookie mix before baking.

B- Pair with a Natty light or whatever you'd drink around a campfire. I also would say coffee or vanilla something, because (besides coffee being the ultimate pairing) this cookie has an almost smokey flavor that I think would compliment it in a similar way. I sampled these Oreos while drinking vanilla infused s'mores iced coffee, and that combination was on point!

V- That sounds amazing! A simple glass of milk compliments all of the dominant flavors. If you need something stronger, a White Russian or some Baileys over ice would pair nicely. Avoid any drinks that are too chocolaty because these cookies already have that department covered! 

Buy Again?
V- No, but I only like toasted marshmallows. However, I would recommend these to any true marshmallow fans out there.

B- They didn't "wow" me, but, not bad overall; I wasn't disappointed, but, I wasn't impressed enough to buy them again either. 

Final Thoughts
B- They're still stuck in my teeth...

V- The Chocolate Marshmallow Oreos were fun to try! They really got me thinking about how tricky it can be sometimes to get your flavor, texture, and look just right.

Flavor Creativity
Flavor Execution
Buy Again?

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  1. “Marshmallow” can be hard to get just right. Might try these myself. A truly exceptional post, yet again.

    1. Thank you! You are too kind. We would love to hear what you think!


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