Dark Chocolate Oreos

Dark Chocolate: It Only gets Better with Age
Dark chocolate has been a cherished treat for nearly 4,000 years. The first dark chocolate beverages originated in Central America as a luxurious status symbol for the wealthy. Thousands of years later, dark chocolate is thankfully available to the masses and has kept its decadent reputation. After all, it's nutritious, lowers blood pressure, and keeps the dementors away. Dark Chocolate Oreos hit the shelves in January 2019 and we sincerely hope they are as rich as the flavor's fascinating history. We are B and V, and WE RATE OREOS!

Flavor Creativity
B - This one I would say is less creative than our first entry in that it's basically let's just make chocolate chocolatier. Still better than the seasonal themed Oreos though. It's a half rating for me. 

V - Like half an Oreo rating? You don't mess! I agree though. Oreos have set the bar very high for creativity in the past. After trying flavors like Watermelon, Kettle Corn, and Pistachio, the Dark Chocolate Oreos play it way too safe. I prefer my Oreos to be a great adventure into the unknown!

Flavor Execution
V - It was made with real dark chocolate, so of course it didn't miss the mark. I've sometimes wondered how Oreo pulls off their weirder flavors... It's a little bitter and you can taste the higher cocoa content. If you are a dark chocolate fan, these won't disappoint.

B - Well done in this realm. It was true to the taste of dark chocolate. I enjoyed them more than I was expecting to actually. 

Glamour Shot!

Does it Sparkle?
B - Definitely sparkles. Black is sleek, it's a trendy color. Like if you had to pair a cookie with an outfit. It matches all, it is fancy, it takes 10 pounds off the camera.   

V - I was seduced the moment we met at the Target aisle. 


B - I feel like this is a red wine kind of cookie. That semi-sweet bitter pairing. Chocolate and wine? It's a classic. I think about the image of a platinum blonde and slender middle aged lady in a plush bathrobe and lipstick, just killed her ex husband and is casually waiting for the cops to show up with glass and cookie in hand. But obviously milk is a good pairing too. Especially for the denseness of it. Similar to a brownie. The kind with the extra chocolate chips in it.

V - YES! Who would have thought Oreos could inspire such drama? Enjoy these with red wine, good coffee (not the free stuff you endure in the office), and a little solitude. If you are going through something, I think a few of these with the right paring will make you feel less "murdery."

Buy Again?
B - Not for me personally. I'm more of a milk chocolate person tbh. But if you're a dark chocolate fan, this might be your new favorite!

V - I like them! I really do! But I LOVE Oreos that challenge me to think about flavors differently. I probably won't buy them again until I am in a social situation where I just want to please everyone and survive (perfect for networking potlucks, coworker welcome parties, and bridal showers where you ONLY know the bride).

Final Thoughts
B - Solid cookie, Nabisco. They said this one is sticking around permanently, right, V?

V - It's a good cookie! Dark chocolate will never get old. And yes, this is a permanent edition to the Oreo family so get them at your leisure!

We Rate Oreos (5=Stellar, 1=Horrendous)
Flavor Creativity 

Flavor Execution


Pairing Options



We love Oreos! Follow our blog and be the first to tune in to our next post, Wasabi Oreos! 


  1. Whole Sleeve? Whole package!April 1, 2019 at 12:11 PM

    If I don't like dark chocolate very much will I still enjoy these? If I enjoy them with milk, will they taste more like milk chocolate? Do you always buy your cookies at Target? Is this paid advertising? These are life's burning questions. Definitely coming back for more Oreos.

    1. Hi! The creme especially tastes a little bitter, just like in dark chocolate. Milk might temper the thickness and the bitter flavor, but there are also Oreos with regular chocolate creme sold year round that you might enjoy more. We frequent Target (they are good about having the new flavors on the shelves), but sometimes shop at the Dollar Store too. This is not paid advertising. We just write about Oreos because everyone is passionate about something, right? :) Thank you for reading our blog! If you do try the Dark Chocolate or Chocolate Creme Oreos, we would love to hear your thoughts.


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