Apple Cider Donut Oreos

"Another Day, Another Donut!" Fall is here! Hello crinkly leaves, pumpkin spice, corn maze anxiety, and, just introduced this past July, Apple Cider Donut Oreos! The Donut Cooperation of America (yes, that's a thing) first promoted the apple cider donut in 1951, and they've heralded fall ever since! Nabisco has done at least four donut Oreos at this point, and the expectations are HIGH. We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS! Creativity V - Mad creative! Every autumn, I "fall" hard for all things pumpkin spice and sometimes need reminding that the season encompasses a myriad of flavors and sensations. Apple cider donuts bring back a clear memory of a really nice day at the apple orchard with my family. Nabisco's working with such a specific fall flavor feels unique and personal in the best way possible. B - I'll give it points here. I am just glad to see something other than pumpkin! Execution B - Not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed overall with...