Caramel Coconut Oreos

Caramel Coconut Caramel Coconut is a classic combination, right up with ice cream + cake, grilled cheese + tomato soup, chips + salsa, and pineapple + pizza (controversial, I know). Done correctly, the coconut provides flaky texture while the caramel offers a sugary toasty flavor. In January 2020, Nabisco released Caramel Coconut Oreos, "coincidentally" during Girl Scout cookie season. Is this a challenge to Samoas? Is the cookie world more brutal than we thought? Today, we'll judge Nabisco's claim in the caramel-coconut market. We are B and V and WE RATE OREOS! Flavor Creativity B- It's been done (Girl Scouts), but it's more unique than having either coconut or caramel individually. That being said, I had one family member who loved the combination and another who would've preferred just coconut instead. V- When I think creative dessert combos, my mind conjures up ice cream with fries or melted chocolate over salty chips. The Caramel Coconu...